Model Flying:
Our members are experienced in flying most types of flying models including helicopters, drones, nitro powered planes, electric powered planes, and jets. They are always ready to help and will make themselves available to help maiden or set up the trimming on planes to make it easier for new members to focus on flying. We also have experienced aerobatic members who again can pass on tips on how to improve your flying skills.
Model Construction:
There are many ways to obtain your model from buying it ready to fly (rtf), finsishing of the installation of radio equipment and control surfaces ie almost ready to fly (artf) or indeed building from plans.
More recently foam has become very popular for buying planes almost ready to fly, but models are till being constructed with balsa which is the more conventional way of doing it.
Model Equipment:
When starting out as a beginner it isnt necessary to spend a lot of money. There are a lot of radio equipment suppliers and these can be bought for as little as £40 and similarly for a beginners model plane. Members can advise on their experience and guide the new flyers to the pros and cons of making a decision.