EFA Club Constitution version 2020 – 03
Change Record
Baseline Constitution document: Dec 2019 Website
2020-01: Aims: Remove Open Days
Membership: Add paragraph covering SAA and CAA registration
2020-02: Aims: Simplify wording around training and competitions
2020-03: Powers: Change £300 to £450
2022-02: Subscriptions: New member joining after July
Accounts: Change Audit to Reviewed and Verified
Name of the Club
The name of the Club shall be the East Fortune Aeromodellers
The Club exists to promote the design, construction and safe flying of model aircraft as a leisure and sporting activity.
To this end the Club organises training and competitions.
Membership shall be open to anyone and shall be limited to a size, as decided from time to time, consistent with the safe and enjoyable use of the available flying sites.
Each member shall be entitled to attend the Annual General Meeting and to vote thereat.
No member will use the Club’s facilities or procedures in order to gain advantage for any commercial interest.
Membership will be deemed granted when a vacancy exists and the Treasurer is satisfied that the requirements of the application form have been met and a correct subscription has been paid.
The Club reserves the right to refuse membership to any applicant.
All members must be members of the SAA or equivalent organisation with comparable insurance and registered with CAA to fly legally. Members must be able to provide evidence of such on request.
Club Meetings
The Annual General Meeting shall be held during the last two months of each year. The Secretary shall give at least two weeks notice in writing to each member.
An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by no less than 20% of the Members giving two weeks notice of such a request to the Secretary.
The Secretary shall give the same notice to the Members as for the AGM.
A quorum at the AGM or EGM shall be 20% of the Membership.
Subscriptions for each year, which shall consist of a Club fee, a compulsory insurance premium and a subscription to the SAA shall be fixed at the AGM. There may be differential rates for members under the age of 16.
Subscriptions shall be payable by no later than 31st December following the AGM.
Members failing to pay the Subscriptions or any Levy imposed (see below), by the due date shall be deemed to have resigned from the Club and their membership will be terminated from that date.
A member joining for the first time after 30th September shall receive membership from receipt until 31st December of the succeeding year.
If for any reason the Committee find it necessary to impose a Levy on the members, notice of such Levy will be given to each member, together with notice of the date by which the levy must be paid.
The Club’s accounts shall be reviewed and verified by a non-member or member other than a Committee member prior to the AGM at which the accounts will be submitted for approval.
The Committee shall consist of the following:
Vice Chairman
Newsletter Editor
3 Ordinary Members of Committee
Any member of the Club shall be eligible for election to the Committee
Committee members shall be elected at an AGM or at an EGM.
The election shall be by proposer and seconder and by a majority vote in the case of there being more than one candidate.
Each member shall retire at the AGM but shall be eligible for re-election.
Any member of the Committee resigning prior to the AGM shall submit his resignation in writing to the Club Secretary or Chairman.
Such a vacancy shall be filled by the election by the Committee of another Club member.
If more than four members of the Committee resign before the AGM, an EGM shall be convened in order to elect a new Committee.
The resigning members shall be eligible for re-election.
The Committee shall meet at such times as it decides but in any case no less than four times per year.
The Committee has the following powers:
To co-opt the services of the other Club-members or outsiders as required.
To purchase equipment, facilities or services in regard to the safe flying or the enjoyment of the members.
The cost of any item so purchased may not exceed £150.
The total expenditure so made in any one year may not exceed £450.
Any expenditure in excess of these amounts, other than site rental, requires the approval of the members at an AGM or EGM except in cases of expenditure which can be recouped in 3 months, in which case the expenditure may exceed the amounts above.
At its discretion to warn, suspend or terminate the membership of any member whose behaviour at the Club site or whilst representing the Club in any capacity whatsoever is deemed to be against the best interests of the Club and its members.
To amend the Flying and Safety Rules as required.
To negotiate and pay annually, fees and other payments, including those in kind.
Equal Opportunities
East Fortune Aeromodellers aims to ensure that no membership-applicant, or member of the club, receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of, for example, gender, colour, ethnic origin, nationality, religion, disability, sexual preference or age, or is disadvantaged by terms or requirements which cannot be shown to be justified. The club is committed to operate in ways in which the rights and dignity of membership-applicants and members are respected, and which are free from discrimination, prejudice, intimidation and all forms of harassment and bullying.